Think Like a Pirate!
Have fun, be lazy, and cheat!
Sell anything to anyone, anytime, anywhere!
Pull successful shenanigans!
Stay outta jail!
Four Noble Truths in Zen:
- The truth of suffering
- The truth of the cause of suffering
- The truth of the end of suffering
- The truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering
More simply put:
- Suffering exists
- It has a cause
- It has an end
- It has a cause to bring about its end
Applied to Parley:
- Folks perceive problems
- Real or imagined
- They desire solutions to their problems
- Sales solves their problems
The Eightfold Path of Zen consists of eight practices:
- Right view
- Right resolve
- Right speech
- Right conduct
- Right livelihood
- Right effort
- Right mindfulness
- Right samadhi
(meditative absorption or union; alternatively, equanimous meditative awareness)
Think Like a Pirate:
- Everything is a sale (fundamental truth)
- Superhero: Salesman! (Choice)
- The Science of Parley (Caldini Sales Process)
- Create Wonderful Opportunities to Buy (add value)
- Live to Sell! Sell to Live! (Ikigai)
- Over 100,000 hours (pay yer dues)
- Think Like a Pirate (have fun, be lazy, and cheat)
- Let it flow (be here now)
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